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Aleksandar Isirov

2007 Alumnus
BA Business Administration

Isirov is a 2007 AAU graduate. Previously with SAP and Oracle as a sales manager, he now works as the GM and co-owner of Nike Prague, the biggest and most modern Nike store in Central Europe.

Originally from Macedonia, he came to AAU via California. He majored in business with a minor in politics. “AAU  is different as a school, in that it prepares you more for your future:  how to position yourself and present yourself better. The real school is then life itself and working with people you come across.”

He finds himself well prepared for being in upper management. With 30 employees and a few main partners, he feels himself able to implement ideas and views that “often had barriers from corporations that didn’t want changes, even if they were positive.”

This flexibility is valuable in the face of an unstable economy, big competitors and “things you simply cannot influence, but have to adapt to. Today you have to fight and come up with new ideas and changes in order to survive.”

He’s not all work, though. He still finds time for his family, sports, relaxing walks – and even to pursue new interests, like classical music.