Liba Taylor


Letenská 5, Prague 1

Liba Taylor is an International photo-journalist with an extensive background in social documentary and humanitarian issues. She has completed a wide range of assignments with international aid agencies and charities. Taylor is also Multi-lingual and has an intimate on-the-ground familiarity with the developing world. Taylor studied Spanish and History of Art at Bristol University in England, receiving a BA degree. She followed that with Radio, Film and Television course at the same university, and a course in Documentary Photography with Magnum photographer David Hurn at Newport College of Art, now the University of South Wales. She spent the following 30 years photographing for international aid agencies and the UN, interviewing photographers for magazine articles and producing photo books for British publishers. Since she returned to Prague, the city of her birth ten years ago, she has been working with the Czech Press Photo contest, teaching photography, and working on personal projects. Her latest book is Vichernice, commissioned by South Moravian Community Foundation in 2018.


Photography: Documentary Photography; Humanitarianism, Spanish, Art History

Publications & Other Activites

  • Vichernice