Patrycja Szuscikova is a 2016 alumna of AAU’s B.A. in Business Administration– Marketing and Communications program who has now gone on to become a sustainability-conscious entrepreneur.

Szuscikova is Polish by nationality but holds Czech citizenship and currently resides in Prague. Last year, she co-founded Les Goodies, an online store offering timeless, sustainable fashion. In addition to the launch of her new business, Szuscikova also agreed to give back to the AAU community by establishing Les Goodies as AAU’s newest internship provider. 

Our Alumni and Career Specialist, Elizabeth Nováček asked Szuscikova to reflect on her #AAUPrague experience and share some advice for future graduates. 

What was your favorite class or teacher at AAU?

The class that actually stuck with me the most was Composition 2 with professor Delbos. Critical thinking and writing are two sides of one coin and I cannot stress enough what a significant and important skill set it is. 

Something you learned outside the classroom at AAU?

The extreme importance of having honest and high-quality relationships. People who are in close proximity to you are everything. 

If you had the opportunity to give a TED talk, what would you speak about?

I would definitely talk about femininity and self-worth.

Knowing what you know now, what would you advise yourself when you were just graduating from AAU?

I would say two things: Challenge yourself as much as you can. And also failure and mistakes are your best friends and mentors. Embrace them. Love them.

Lastly for fun, what is the first thing you like to do when you’re in a new city?

I am a foodie, so every time my trip begins with exploring the food and cafe highlights of the visited place.

(Thank you IG and Pinterest.)

If you are an AAU student interested in learning more about AAU’s Internship course please CLICK HERE.

If you or your business would like more information on how to become an AAU internship provider please CLICK HERE or send an email directly to