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Student Clubs

Explore your interests outside the classroom. AAU offers a wide range of extracurricular opportunities that help you make new friends, bolster your CV, explore new interests and find your niche within the AAU community. Discover the Czech countryside with the alpine club, make friends over a game of pick-up basketball, or test your public speaking skills at a Model UN conference. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, just grab some friends and create your own!

Get Involved

New students interested in joining a club should attend the club fair organized each semester by the AAU Student Council. There you can get to know what clubs are active, meet the representatives, and sign up for what you’re interested in. You can also reach out to the designated club contact during orientation for new students or at any time throughout the semester.

Start a Club

Starting your own student organization is easy, fun and a great opportunity to develop your leadership skills. To get started simply find 5 friends who are interested in joining you and contact the Dean of Students, Ana Hernandez-Blackstad at You will need to provide the name of the club, the proposed leader, contact details, social media handles if relevant, a brief mission statement describing the purpose of your group, and the name of the staff or faculty member who will advise the club if applicable. 

Funding & Support

Officially recognized clubs at AAU benefit from financial support from the Student Council, staff and faculty guidance, and access to campus facilities for events and meetings.


The Dean of Students is here to support all student organizations. For more information or contact Dean of Students, Ana Hernandez Blackstad at 

Check out our clubs on Instagram…